Preppy Fridge Makeover! (Easiest DIY of your life!)

13 Jan

I was wandering through TJ Maxx after lunch today when I stumbled across some adorable chevron drawer liner.  Two rolls were only $5.99, so I scooped them up and hurried home.

I had seen fridge makeover “kits” online where you could buy pre-cut liners, but those were like $30.  So, I figured I would measure out my own!

This is a pretty self explanatory DIY.  I just removed each shelf/drawer, measured the paper, and carefully applied it.  What might consume a lot of your time is cleaning out your fridge! (Bye bye all you sad expired foods!)

When I got down to the drawers, I just did the paper on the front part.  I like having Bible verses around as happy reminders, so I wrote out two of my favorites so I would be able to see them every day!

I think this turned out so cute.  It took me maybe an hour, but that was because I was also cleaning as I went along.


I still have a ton of the paper left, so I’m trying to figure out what else I want to cover!  So many possibilities!

PS:  If you’re looking for contact paper of your own, Amazon and Etsy has a bunch!

I really like this gray and white chevron option here.  They also have the exact color I used here!  And they’re not expensive at all–less than $15 for a few rolls!

Edited to Add:

A big, happy hello to all the new readers from Pinterest!  So lovely to have you!  In retrospect, I realize that there might not be the most details on how exactly to do this, so I thought I’d add a few tips:

1.  Using a ruler to measure out how big to cut your sheets of contact paper works, but I’m a little more free spirited than that.  (I’m basically the hippie of DIY.)  I just laid the paper on top of each section and eyeballed it.  It’s easy enough to trim down if you cut too big.

2.  The contact paper peels off really easily if you make a mistake or decide you hate it.  I had to take it off and re-position a few times!

3.  It wipes clean pretty well, but since I’ve done it, I had some juice (at least I hope it’s juice and not like blood, but why would there be blood in my fridge?!  Unless I’m a secret vampire or something…) leak onto the paper, and it’s a bit stained.  I have a bunch of left over paper though, and what’s great is that I can just peel off the stained part and do refresh the shelf with a brand new piece.

4.  I chose Bible verses for the door since Jesus is basically my favorite, but you can choose anything–from labeling what’s inside the drawer to family pictures.  I bet little dry erase boards would even be a great idea!



59 Responses to “Preppy Fridge Makeover! (Easiest DIY of your life!)”

  1. daniel paul February 1, 2021 at 3:00 am #

    Fridge top cover with handel cover save your fridge from dust and satin. it also gives a new look to you fridge and kitchen. Buy fridge cover online here.


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