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Looks for Less: Gucci Flapper Dress!

16 Apr
I can’t tell you the last movie she was in, but I’ve always been a big fan of Camilla Belle.  I think she’s super gorgeous, and always looks totally put together and beautiful.
When I saw her in a black embellished flapper dress by Gucci, I remember thinking, “If I ever get famous, I will buy that dress.” 
Apparently, some other ladies had the same idea as me…
Luckily for you, I stumbled across a budget-friendly look-a-like, so even if you don’t have awesome Camilla eyebrows, you can still feel like a slinky, gorgeous flapper.
Oasis Black Embellished Flapper Dress $130

Now take that $4000 you saved and go do something crazy (like buy me some new shoes!)